Hanuman Chalisa: Lyrics, Method of Reciting and Benefits

 Friends, according to mythological beliefs, Hanuman ji is the only living deity in Kalyug.

Friends, according to mythological beliefs, Hanuman ji is the only living deity in Kalyug. Who is always kind to his devotees and protects them. It is said about Hanuman Chalisa that poet Tulsidas composed it to please Hanuman ji. In such a situation, if any devotee of Hanuman jiIf one recites Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics regularly on Tuesday, then that devotee gets wonderful benefits from it. So friends, today we know through this article, what is the method of reading Hanuman Chalisa? What is the benefit of reciting Hanuman Chalisa. Do read the article till the end.


Method of reciting Hanuman Chalisa

• To recite Hanuman Chalisa, after getting up regularly in the morning, take bath and wear clean yellow clothes.

• Then sit on the red seat by turning your head in the east direction.

• But while installing Hanuman ji's photo or idol, keep in mind that his idol or photo should be placed in the east direction only after spreading red cloth.

• Then light a lamp of sesame oil or ghee in front of the idol of Hanuman ji. and water in a brass vessel

Fill it and put it in front of Hanuman ji.

• After this recite Hanuman Chalisa with a calm mind sitting near the idol of Hanuman ji.

• Offer food to Hanuman ji with boondi and jaggery laddus. If you recite Hanuman Chalisa for 11 consecutive Tuesdays like this. So Hanuman ji's blessings will remain on you.

Special precautions to be taken while reciting Hanuman Chalisa

Some special precautions should also be taken while reciting Hanuman Chalisa. Otherwise we will be deprived of the benefits of Hanuman Chalisa. For example, always recite Hanuman Chalisa by wearing clean clothes. Don't consume meat, liquor, alcohol even by mistake. Otherwise Hanuman ji will get angry with you.

Benefits of Reciting Hanuman Chalisa

Following are the benefits of reciting Hanuman Chalisa regularly-

1 - Get rid of financial problems.

Hanuman ji has been called the giver of Ashtasiddhi Nava Nidhi. In such a situation, the devotee of Hanuman, recites Hanuman Chalisa faithfully. He gets wealth, glory and gets rid of the problem of financial worries.

2 - Fear gets rid of fear.

It is written in the couplet of Hanuman Chalisa "Ghosts and vampires do not come near when Mahavir recites his name". Which means, the person who will recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly. Ghosts, pitches and negative powers will stay away from him.

3- Sleeps well at night.

If you do not sleep well at night and have mental disturbance. So recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly. Because reciting Hanuman Chalisa removes mental stress and gives good sleep at night.

4 - Strength and intelligence are attained.

Hanuman ji has been considered the source of strength and wisdom. Whose mention is found from Ramayana Granth to Hanuman Chalisa. Because in the couplet of Hanuman Chalisa it is written "Bal buddhi vidya dehu mohe", which means that the devotee who recites Hanuman Chalisa regularly gets the source of Bal Buddhi.

5 - Students should recite Hanuman Chalisa

Most of the students who prepare for 10th, 12th or graduation. Those students often go to Hanuman temple to visit Hanuman ji and recite Hanuman Chalisa. So that Hanuman ji's blessings remain on him and he gets wisdom and intelligence.

6 - Man attains liberation-

In mythological texts, getting freedom from the cycle of human life and getting a place in the supreme abode after death. It is considered the main goal of human life. In such a situation, the devotee who recites Hanuman Chalisa daily with a pure heart. He attains the supreme abode and is freed from the cycle of death.

Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics In Hindi


श्रीगुरु चरन सरोज रज, निज मनु मुकुरु सुधारि।
बरनऊं रघुबर बिमल जसु, जो दायकु फल चारि।

बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके, सुमिरौं पवन-कुमार।
बल बुद्धि बिद्या देहु मोहिं, हरहु कलेस बिकार।


जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुन सागर,
जय कपीस तिहुं लोक उजागर।

रामदूत अतुलित बल धामा,
अंजनि-पुत्र पवनसुत नामा।

महाबीर बिक्रम बजरंगी,
कुमति निवार सुमति के संगी।

कंचन बरन बिराज सुबेसा,
कानन कुंडल कुंचित केसा।

हाथ बज्र औ ध्वजा बिराजै,
कांधे मूंज जनेऊ साजै।

संकर सुवन केसरीनंदन,
तेज प्रताप महा जग बन्दन।

विद्यावान गुनी अति चातुर,
राम काज करिबे को आतुर।

प्रभु चरित्र सुनिबे को रसिया,
राम लखन सीता मन बसिया।

सूक्ष्म रूप धरि सियहिं दिखावा,
बिकट रूप धरि लंक जरावा।

भीम रूप धरि असुर संहारे,
रामचंद्र के काज संवारे।

लाय सजीवन लखन जियाये,
श्रीरघुबीर हरषि उर लाये।

रघुपति कीन्ही बहुत बड़ाई,
तुम मम प्रिय भरतहि सम भाई।

सहस बदन तुम्हरो जस गावैं,
अस कहि श्रीपति कंठ लगावैं।

सनकादिक ब्रह्मादि मुनीसा,
नारद सारद सहित अहीसा।

जम कुबेर दिगपाल जहां ते,
कबि कोबिद कहि सके कहां ते।

तुम उपकार सुग्रीवहिं कीन्हा,
राम मिलाय राज पद दीन्हा।

तुम्हरो मंत्र बिभीषन माना,
लंकेस्वर भए सब जग जाना।

जुग सहस्र जोजन पर भानू,
लील्यो ताहि मधुर फल जानू।

प्रभु मुद्रिका मेलि मुख माहीं,
जलधि लांघि गये अचरज नाहीं।

दुर्गम काज जगत के जेते,
सुगम अनुग्रह तुम्हरे तेते।

राम दुआरे तुम रखवारे,
होत न आज्ञा बिनु पैसारे।

सब सुख लहै तुम्हारी सरना,
तुम रक्षक काहू को डर ना।

आपन तेज सम्हारो आपै,
तीनों लोक हांक तें कांपै।

भूत पिसाच निकट नहिं आवै,
महाबीर जब नाम सुनावै।

नासै रोग हरै सब पीरा,
जपत निरंतर हनुमत बीरा।

संकट तें हनुमान छुड़ावै,
मन क्रम बचन ध्यान जो लावै।

सब पर राम तपस्वी राजा,
तिन के काज सकल तुम साजा।

और मनोरथ जो कोई लावै,
सोइ अमित जीवन फल पावै।

चारों जुग परताप तुम्हारा,
है परसिद्ध जगत उजियारा।

साधु-संत के तुम रखवारे,
असुर निकंदन राम दुलारे।

अष्ट सिद्धि नौ निधि के दाता,
अस बर दीन जानकी माता।

राम रसायन तुम्हरे पासा,
सदा रहो रघुपति के दासा।

तुम्हरे भजन राम को पावै,
जनम-जनम के दुख बिसरावै।

अन्तकाल रघुबर पुर जाई,
जहां जन्म हरि-भक्त कहाई।

और देवता चित्त न धरई,
हनुमत सेइ सर्ब सुख करई।

संकट कटै मिटै सब पीरा,
जो सुमिरै हनुमत बलबीरा।

जै जै जै हनुमान गोसाईं,
कृपा करहु गुरुदेव की नाईं।

जो सत बार पाठ कर कोई,
छूटहि बंदि महा सुख होई।

जो यह पढ़ै हनुमान चालीसा,
होय सिद्धि साखी गौरीसा।

तुलसीदास सदा हरि चेरा,
कीजै नाथ हृदय मंह डेरा।


पवन तनय संकट हरन, मंगल मूरति रूप।
राम लखन सीता सहित, हृदय बसहु सुर भूप।


Friends, the qualities of Hanuman ji have been explained in Hanuman Chalisa. If you recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly for 11 consecutive Tuesdays. So you get special benefits. Which we have told in this article. If you want, may Hanuman ji's blessings be with you. So recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly with the method mentioned by us.

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