Life Lessons From Bhagavad Gita- The Essence of a happy life is hidden

 Friends, you are very much welcome in today's post. Friends, today we will discuss about some of the lessons and thoughts given in Bhagavad Gita, one of the great scriptures of Hinduism, which teaches us how to live life. Bhagavad Gita is the most precious source of knowledge on this earth. There is really no cost to this knowledge. There is so much power in this knowledge that it can change you and its importance is not considered just like that. There is also a big reason behind this. If someone knows the words of Bhagavad Gita, then no one can stop him from success.

Life Lessons From Bhagavad Gita

Life Lessons From Bhagavad Gita

People all over the country also believe that whoever reads this book gets to know the secret of all the successes in life. Bhagavad Gita is the knowledge given by Shri Krishna which every human being should know and understand because this knowledge can change your life and take you out of darkness and despair and lead you towards a happy life.

The most important and first lesson that we get from Bhagwat Gita is don't expect the fruit but do the work: Friends, in Bhagwat Gita, Lord Shri Krishna   explains to Arjuna that O Arjuna, every human being in this world, all the creatures should always keep doing work and should never expect the fruit, because the fruit is not in his hand, but the work is in his hand and I am sitting to give it to the person who does his work with dedication, so always keep working, don't expect the result, because by expecting tomorrow, you will be deprived of your work. Will not be able to pay attention. 

Friends, Shri Krishna says that a person who does work is sure to succeed tomorrow if not today, but an indolent person can never be successful in life, so if you want to be successful, you need to pay full attention to your work and always do good deeds so that you get good results. Friends, if you are not able to get your desired result despite doing your work, then you should never be disappointed, but keep trying to move forward by trusting Shri Krishna and believe me, God will definitely give you success, prosperity and the right moment for your deeds if not today then tomorrow.

Life Lessons From Bhagavad Gita

The second lesson that Shri Krishna teaches us in the Bhagavad Gita is that we should always act according to our dharma : that is, if a child is a student, he should focus on studies, a soldier should protect his country, a king should protect and serve his subjects, parents should love their children, children should serve their old parents, and a ruler should rule. Want to say this to friends that if every person will do his/her duty properly, then there will always be balance in this society, then no one will ever have trouble with anyone.

Friends, the third lesson we get from Shri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita is the law of change:  Friends Shri Krishna says that change is the name of life, Shri Krishna says that no human should ever be afraid of change because change always brings a change and this change is always for the good. Friends, if there is no change in life, then we will remain where we are today and we will never be able to move forward. Friends, sometimes change or change also gives us pain, but this pain does not last forever and always gives happiness in the future. Friends, you must have never seen the river water rotting because the river always keeps on changing or flowing, it never stops, but when the water of a pond does not change, which does not change, it slowly rots, in the same way, the meaning of our life is till there is change or change in our life, the day the change in our life stops, we will be destroyed that day.

 Friends, the fourth lesson that we get from Shri Krishna in Bhagwat Gita is to stay away from ego: Friends, Shri Krishna says in Gita that every human being should always stay away from ego and self because ego and anger eats up the mind of any human being just like a termite in wood. Friends, wherever a person who is influenced by ego and anger goes in the society, he gets in trouble with others because he sees the feeling of his rival in every person, due to which his sense of intelligence and discretion goes on ending. It was said in the Bhagavad Gita that every person should do introspection because introspection destroys the ego. Friends, Shri Krishna says that arrogance leads a person to ignorance, so a person who wants success in life should always stay away from arrogance and pride.

Life Lessons From Bhagavad Gita

Friends, the fifth lesson found in Bhagavad Gita is that the thoughts of a man create a man: Friends, Lord Shri Krishna says that a man is created by his thoughts and a man becomes what he thinks, so every man should always spend his life with positive and good thoughts. Friends, if you have good thoughts in your mind, then your life will also be good, but if you have bad thoughts in your mind, then there can be a situation of evil in your life. Friends, Shri Krishna says that if we want to be strong, then we must think in our mind that we are strong because thinking of being strong can make us strong. That is, a person is weak or strong, intelligent or stupid, good or bad because of his thinking, if we change our thinking, then this world will change itself. 

The sixth lesson that we get from Bhagwat Gita is to keep our mind under control: Friends, in Bhagwat Gita, a lot of importance has been given to the mind, therefore Lord Krishna has asked every human being to keep his mind under control. Friends, mind is the factor of all our sorrows and happiness, so we can win over our happiness and sorrow by controlling our mind. Friends, Lord Shri Krishna says that if a person controls his mind, then he can control all the evils that prevent him from moving forward in life or hurt him, so he should always keep his mind under his control, he should never be distracted by anything.

Life Lessons From Bhagavad Gita

The seventh lesson from the Bhagavad Gita and Shri Krishna is that laziness, cowardice and fear are the enemies of man's success: Friend Shri Krishna says that laziness, fear and cowardice are the enemies of man who prevent him from being successful. If you want to be successful then you don't have to give up your laziness, if you want to move forward then you have to give up your fear. Friends, a lazy and timid person can neither achieve his goal nor fulfill his dreams, nor can he win in any war, so if you want to achieve your goal, fulfill your dreams, then remove laziness and fear from your life because fear prevents you from doing all the things that you want to do and laziness does not want to let you do the things that you can do.

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