10 tips on How to Study Effectively? How and When to Study Smart? {Crack Course}

These study tips will prepare you for the exam

Many students must be feeling stressed on hearing the word “exam”. The question that remains in your mind is how to prepare for the exam. Study tips every student wants. Now the exams are coming, students must be having a lot of worries about the exams. So let us share some tips with you so that you can come first by scoring good marks. Many times it happens with us that we prepare well for the exam but due to small mistakes in the exam, we are not able to get good marks and become sad. Let us know in detail in this blog how to do Study Tips.

Exam preparation

Points are given below for Study Tips-

  1. choose a goal 
  2. Always give regular self-examination
  3. Do not rely on studying before the exam
  4. always keep your mind calm
  5. Save time for revision in the last days of the exam
  6. make a time table
  7. Participate in class discussion
  8. take some rest in between while studying
  9. Don't be shy when asking for help
  10. Make a time table before studying
  11. Don't make studies a burden
  12. Try practicing in a group

Choose a goal

First of all choose a goal for yourself and then think about how to prepare for the exam. Because when you don't know what to do? You will find it difficult to study according to what percentage of marks you have to score. So first set your goal.

Always give regular self-examination

Start a new adventure, try to test yourself every day. Write down whatever you read throughout the day in small points in your own book, then try to write down the questions it sets without looking at it. Then take the test with the help of your friends or teachers, if this is not possible then check your answer sheet yourself. By doing this you will know where you are making mistakes, and pay special attention to not repeating these mistakes in the future.

Do not rely on studying before the exam

Whatever is taught in school, you should read it at home on the same day, do not keep it till the examination. By doing this, whatever has been taught to you in school, you will understand it on the same day. If you have not understood, then you can go the next day and ask your teacher about it. If you do this every day at home, you will remain relaxed and calm during the exam.

Always keep your mind calm

Always keep your mind calm during exams. It has been found through research that a calm mind can remember four times more things and can do better. Therefore, always keep your mind calm during the examination.

Save time for reservation in the last days of the exam

Time should be saved for revision during the last days of the examination. At the time of revision, you should read only that which you have read, by doing this you can get a good hold of whatever you have read and in the end you get good results.

Make a time table

Although everyone makes a time table, but to achieve any goal, you can study with a good strategy only through a time table. Everyone should make a correct time table. This means that you should prepare a better time table for yourself even before the start of studies in a new class in the new year.

Participate in class discussion

By participating in class discussion, each person explains the answer to the question in his own way. By doing this, we pay attention to what other people say and we remember those things quickly.

Take some rest in between while studying

While studying, make sure to take rest in between, by doing this you remember what you have read quickly. Continuous study starts burdening the mind and we quickly forget what we have studied.

One should not be shy while taking help from anyone.

Not everyone is smart in every subject, so if we do not know any subject then we should not be shy to ask someone else. By doing this we strengthen our topic well. If we feel shy then we will not be able to remember the subject properly and it can create dilemma in the mind at the time of examination.

Make a time table before studying

Before studying, the important thing is that we should make a time table. By making a time table, we can divide different subjects into different periods of time. By doing this we can study every subject well, it is very important to make a time table at the time of examination.

Don't make studies a burden

While studying, we should always keep in mind that we should never make it a burden, if we make studies a burden then we can never remember that subject. If we want to get top marks then we should study with interest and try to give our best.

Try practicing in a group

Two heads are better than one head and three heads are better than two heads. This means that we should always try to study in a group, by doing this we can solve even the most difficult subjects in an easier way.

How to study for a long time?

Information about how to study for a long time is given for Study Tips-

Self confidence is important

If you do not have the confidence to do any work in order to study for a long time, then how can we do that work in a better way and with full concentration. Therefore, first of all, for the work we want to do, create confidence in our mind that yes, we can do it now. In the same way, first of all you should make up your mind to study this. Apart from this, by making such a strong determination, we should bring the belief in our mind that we want to study for 15 hours to achieve our goal and we want to achieve it.

Save time

We get only 24 hours in a day and in these 24 hours, we have to manage 9 hours and study for that 15 hours, so we have to make a list of all those tasks and set time for all the tasks. Which work has to be completed at what time and we have to complete that work at that stipulated time only.

Wake up early in the morning

If you want to study for more time and want to make good use of your entire day and night time, then try to wake up between 4:00 to 5:00, only then your target will be achieved, otherwise you will not be able to achieve it. will do. Waking up early in the morning makes you fit to prepare for exams.

Choose a target to study in a week

Do not study for 15 days in the whole week, study for at least 2 or 3 days only because if the body remains healthy then only we will be able to concentrate on our studies in a good way. If you study for 15 hours all day and 7 days in the week. If you want, you will be able to study but you will not be able to remember it clearly, hence you should schedule time for 3 days in a week and study for 15-15 hours in these 3 days.

Never sit like this while studying

Follow the useful study tips given below-

  • Never read while lying down.
  • Avoid studying in noisy places.
  • Do not move your legs while reading.
  • Do not read while sitting in the wrong direction.
  • Don't do many things at once.
  • Instead of memorizing the subject, concentrate on understanding it.

Study Hacks and Tips for Studying

Study hacks and tips for Study Tips are given below-

  • Understand every topic of your book thoroughly while reading it and if you do not understand, then definitely clear your doubts at that time.
  • Practice your subjects consistently.
  • Practice exams should be given every day, every 7 days, 15 days, 30 days.
  • At least 2 full examinations must be given at the end of the course.
  • Don't forget to note or underline important information.
  • Keep updating your book from time to time, doing this will make it easier for you to revise at the end.

Tips to prepare for exam by topper

Study Tips: The points of how toppers study are given below:

  • regular scheduled hours of study
  • learn/understand new things
  • smart study
  • making notes
  • Understand every topic conceptually
  • to revise
  • Never hesitate to ask questions
  • Solving Mock Test/Model Paper 
  • Do not waste too much time on difficult questions in the exam. 
  • pay attention to health


How to make a study plan?

You can make a study plan like this: Freshen yourself before starting your studies, try to solve easy questions, consider the teacher's words while studying, set goals for your studies, always study as per the time table.

How to do revision?

Prepare a detailed revision time table, including notes you will need to refer to. Stick to it as much as possible. Effective revision does not mean continuous revision. Taking breaks during revision gives the brain more chance to remember what you have read.

How to study without coaching?

You can study without coaching like this: Pay special attention to mental health, try to convey your thoughts to others, maintain a time table, try to solve practice sets, include newspapers in your study etc.

What should be done before studying?

You have to get at least 8 hours of sleep before studying. You should sleep for at least 8 to 10 hours. So that your mind remains fresh and you do not face any problem while studying.

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